Sons of Battery - E-Bike & E-MTB Community

What defines the Sons of Battery isn't the sticker, nor the clothing, it's the community, almost a family! It came into being almost out of nothing at breakneck speed and just doesn't stop growing! There are already SoBlers all over Europe and you are one of them too! Yes, you heard that right! If you are crazy about e-bikes and appreciate your battery, then you are automatically one of us! You don't even have to be in the community!

The Sons of Battery were born out of a beer mood and are for everyone who loves their battery! There is no membership, Sons of Battery is a feeling! A sense of community that some people are missing! We battery Indians in particular always have to justify our pedal assistance, but we show our colors! We know each other, we have a common hobby and we stand by it!

We are the Sons/Sisters of Battery! SoB!

Die Gesichter hinter der Marke & Community Sons of Battery©